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Unusual flycatcher

     This morning I covered Moore County east of Lobelia for the North 
American Migration Count.  I did well (for me) on warblers, including 
a male magnolia warbler.  What a striking bird!  I was perhaps a 
quarter mile east of the one-lane bridge on McPherson Road (DeLorme, 
page 60, D5) when I spotted an Empid flycatcher.  Over the course of 
several minutes I got varying views of it as it flitted through the 
bushes at the edge of the road:  olive-green back, pale yellow below, 
wing-bars.  Fortunately for me, it was calling as it foraged.  I 
heard it a dozen or so times.  In preparation for this trip, last 
night I listened to the recording of the Acadian flycatcher on my 
Stokes CD.  What I heard today was completely different: a 
two-syllable call--a clear, rising "wheep" amd a buzzy, falling 
"skeer."  I wrote it down as "Wheep-Skeer, upward-downward."  I have 
since listened to the Stokes CD again.  The only match is willow 
flycatcher!  It's not even on the Moore County list for the count.


Robert C. Perkins, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Methodist College, Fayetteville, NC 28311
910-630-7037     rperkins@methodist.edu