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Warbler blitz

Sorry, this posting is late - couldn't get to a computer.
	Birded hard in Dare County for 8 hours this past thursday and came up with
20 species of warblers, most from the Currituck to Duck area. Best birds
were Chestnut-sided, Blackburnian, and Magnolia Warblers. Also had Northern
Waterhtrush, Yellow, Hooded, Blackpoll, Chat, Black-throated Blue and many
others. In spite of the spring migration starting out lousy this year, up
here in Dare County it ended up being one of the best ever!
	This weekend I checked out the same areas and did not come up with much of
anything, just a few Blackpolls, a Yellow Warbler, and breeding birds.
	Oh, I did see a (very late) White-throated Sparrow Saturday morning at a
feeder. Maybe some birds consider food better than sex.
	Jeff Lewis
	Manteo, NC