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NEW Eur. Collared-Dove NC location (Brunswick Co.)


While visiting the in-laws in Caswell Beach on Oak Island in Brunswick 
Co., NC this past weekend, I finally found my "own" Eurasian 
Collared-Dove, possibly a first for Oak Island, if not Brunswick Co.  It 
was perched on a phone wire at the intersection of Oak Island Rd. and 
Country Club Rd. in Caswell Beach.  I saw it Saturday (26 May 01) morning 
but could not relocate it the rest of the weekend.  

Also of interest, I birded Ft. Caswell and found the usual Loggerhead 
Shrike residents but did not find any Gray Kingbirds this year.  Finally, 
a Least Bittern was at the marsh at the S. end of 64th St. in the Long 
Beach area of Oak Island.

Also this past weekend I explored some pocosin areas around Boiling 
Springs (near Southport) in Brunswick Co. and found one swampy spot 
housing several warblers, including singing Swainson's, a Worm-eating 
carrying food, several Hoodeds, N. Parula, and Yellow-throated.

Good Birding,

Jeff Pippen, CarolinaLeps Listowner		 jspippen@duke.edu
Biology Dept. Box 90338				
Duke University, Durham, NC  27708		PH: (919) 660-7278