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Re: Memorial Day Pelagics

Although not on Memorial Day weekend, I was on Miss Hatteras Saturday (June
The storm front that passed through Friday night left choppy and confused
seas in its wake.  The ride out to the stream was rough and few birds were
seen early.  By mid-day the seas has lessened considerably and viewing was
much better.  Birds seen follow:

Black Capped Petrel- 100+ A group of 20 or so fed in the chum slick behind
the boat and provided great looks (e.g I did not know they have pink legs
with black toes!)
Herald Petrel- 1 distant bird
Wilson's Storm Petrel- hundreds
Leach's Storm Petrel- 2
Band Rumped Storm Petrel- 11
Cory's Shearwater- many
Sooty Shearwater- 3
Audubon's Shearwater- many
Pomarine Jaeger- 1-2
Osprey- 1 30+ miles offshore
RED BILLED TROPICBIRD- 1 (believe it or not I needed the White-tailed

Also had GREAT looks at a large Sperm Whale.

Steve Shultz
Cary, NC

Buddy Garrett <medxam@onslowonline.net>@acpub.duke.edu on 06/03/2001
07:56:58 PM

Please respond to medxam@onslowonline.net

Sent by:  carolinabirds-owner@acpub.duke.edu

To:   carolinabirds <carolinabirds@acpub.duke.edu>
Subject:  Memorial Day Pelagics

Any reports from the Memorial Day Pelagic's (if they ran) for a poor old
doctor that was on call?

Buddy Garrett

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