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Re: red headed woodpecker/hummingbirds

on 7/27/2001 17:59, shannon douglas at monkeyself@email.msn.com wrote:

> Why would they just show up this week?  Are they migrating now?  One
> hypothesis - could it be that they have been in my neighborhood all along
> but just found my yard because I have a large patch or Rose of Sharon that
> just starting blooming regularly in the past couple of weeks.  (I read on
> the operation hummingbird page that they like rose of sharon).

They came to my place around July 10 which is about when I get them every
year.  They usually stay through September and check out in early October.
I live in the Jackson Boulevard, Forest Acres area.  People that live in the
country usually get them a lot earlier.  They follow the nectar bearing
plants and your Rose of Sharon probably got them there.  I don't have any
plants in my yard - too many Loblolly Pines and not enough light; so I put
my feeders out real early.  Sometimes I may see a male in May flying by but
none ever become regular until around July 10.


James Wilson
Columbia, SC

Personal Web Page:  http://home.sc.rr.com/toadshade/www/