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Caesar'a Head Hawk Watch 8/20/01

Yes, it's almost that time again. As a matter if fact, I started up the
Caesar's Head watch today!
I really didn't expect to record any migrants, but the weather was great, a
nice cool breeze was blowing and the rust was getting heavy on my 10X42's.
The local residents were putting on a nice show. At one point, three
immature Red Tails, two Ravens and a Broad-winged Hawk were all cavorting
with each other. A Sharp-shinned had paid me a visit a little earlier. Tim
has been seeing a Peregrine routinely, but it stayed away while I was there.
I did see 3 migrant Monarchs.
Last year's total of 9,477 birds, including 8,162 Broad-winged Hawks, made
it our 3rd best year.
We have just a few hard-core counters and would really appreciate any help.
Anyone wanting to experience the site of a couple hundred Broad-winged Hawks
soaring in a thermal overhead or nearby should come on up. We usually are
treated to that a few times every year.
If your not familiar with our site, it's located at Caesar's Head State Park
on US 276 in northern Greenville County in S.C. You can park within a few
yards of the overlook.
For further information contact me, Tim Lee, the park naturalist, Reece
Mitchell or Irv Pitts, our site coordinator.

Jeff Catlin
Marietta, SC
(864) 836-3294

Tim Lee
(864) 836-6115

Reece Mitchell

Irv Pitts

Good birding to all!

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