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Odd Parula behaviour

Dear All,

Yesterday (8/21) I watched a Northern Parula aggressively chase off 
Northern Cardinals and American Robins that dared to fly into the area in 
which the Parula was foraging. Strangely though it completely ignored a 
juvenille Pine Warbler that was actively feeding in the same tree. While 
I have seen some warbler species chase off other warblers, I have never 
seen this behaviour directed towards these much larger species. 

Jim Bloor, Ph.D
Department of Biology
Developmental, Cell and Molecular Biology 
B330 LSRC Building
Duke University
Research Drive
Durham, NC 27708-1000

Tel.      (919) 613-8150
Fax.     (919) 613-8177
email  jwbloor@duke.edu