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Re: Poisoning Red-winged Blackbirds

Carolina birders,

There was an article about this in the News & Observer last weekend...
either Saturday (I think it was Sat) or possibly Sunday - if anyone is
interested in learning more.   Russ ... thanks for showing us a way to voice
our disapprovals!

I wonder how many other species of wildlife will be affected as well?   And
what about the runoff into the watershed?    Nothing is ever simple.

Toni Rexrode
Durham, NC

----- Original Message -----
From: "Russ Palmeri" <rpalmeri@mindspring.com>
To: "Carolina Bird Club" <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2001 10:09 AM
Subject: Poisoning Red-winged Blackbirds

> I recently received a mailing from the Audubon Society concerning the
> plan to poison two million Red-winged Blackbirds in order to protect the
> sunflower seed crop. Besides the targeted Blackbirds, 86 other species of
> bird will also die a lingering death, including several species of
> already-declining grassland birds.
> The address of the Secretary of the USDA, Ann Veneman and my letter to her
> is included in this email below. The secretary's email address
> agsec@usda.gov
> Ann Veneman, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture
> U.S. Department of Agriculture
> 14th & Independence Ave., SW
> Washington, DC 20250
> Dear Secretary Veneman,
> I am outraged that the US Department of Agriculture plans to poison two
> million Red-winged Blackbirds annually over the next three years to reduce
> their consumption of sunflower seeds. There is no proof that this poison
> will not kill other birds including grassland species already in serious
> decline.
> I strongly oppose the USDA's bird poisoning plan, and suggest alternative,
> non-lethal methods of crop protection.
> We must learn to live with the other species that share our planet!
> ***********************************
> Russ Palmeri
> Asheville, North Carolina
> ***********************************
> Fog and rain, the sky
> touching the new green treetops,
> a lone warbler sings