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Bucksport, New Road, & Conway Sewage Ponds

Hi Carolinabirders,
	Sorry I'm two days late with this post.  On Thursday, Aug. 30 Gary
Phillips and I visited the Bucksport Sod Farm, southern Horry County for
about an hour or so.  After droping Gary off at home I went over to New
Road in Conway, Horry County for some solo birding and butterflying. All
told 31 species.

At the Bucksport Sod Farm were: 
Barn Swallow-80

At New Road and the Conway Sewage Ponds.

Double-crested Cormorant-5
Great Egret-6
Snowy Egret-8
Little Blue Heron-8 all immatures save one adult
Tricolored Heron-2
White Ibis-4 all immature
Blue-winged Teal-4
Semipalmated Plover-3
Lesser Yellowlegs-1 juvenile
Spotted Sandpiper-1
Semipalmated Sandpiper-20
Least Sandpiper-140
Pectoral Sandpiper-2
Blue Jay-1
Carolina Chickadee-5
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-3
Am. Robin-1 heard only
N. Mockingbird-3
White-eyed Vireo-1 heard only
Red-eyed Vireo-6
N. Parula-1
Prairie Warbler-1
Am Redstart-1 
Red-winged Blackbird-1

Bucksport was nice two year birds.

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC