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Mahogany Rock Fall Warblers

Mahogany Rock is located at MP 235 on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

I led a walk sponsored by the Blue Ridge Birders.  Our intrepid group met at
Mahogany Rock Overlook at 7:30 p.m..  Weather was threatening with low
clouds, some fog and a light drizzle later in the day.  Didn't affect the
birds or the spirits of those who came.  For those of you that were scared
off by the weather, my condolences.  The birding was great.  Our plans were
to go for a hike but there were so many warblers that we couldn't get away
from Mahogany Rock until later when we took a short hike just for the
exercise.  For those who came, we had the good fortune of experiencing a
major warbler fallout.  The numbers were truly impressive.  My estimate for
Black-throated green and Tennessee warblers were conservatively in the
hundreds.  Here's the list:

Black-throated green
Black and white
Black-throated blue
American redstart

Also, Jim Keaton had a good find in a Baltimore oriole.  (seemed late to me)

Other birds of note:

Gray catbird
Red-eyed vireo
Blue-headed vireo (voice only)
Yellow-billed cuckoo (voice only)
Chimney swift
Scarlet tanager
Common raven

and the usual residents.

Not a lot of diversity, but the we had great views of hundreds of warblers.
Many were eye level.

Later, we joined Jim Keaton at the Mahogany Rock Hawk Watch site.  I got
chased away by rain about noon with the count at zero.  I'm sure there will
be better days ahead for the hawks.

Harrol Blevins
Independence, VA
On the New River @ NC/VA Border