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SC and GA Pelagic Trips

On Saturday (9/1), I had a chance to join a pelagic trip out of Savannah 
with a group of (mostly) Georgia birders. We birded our way out 60+ miles, 
staying in SC waters. The weather was good and we had relatively calm seas. 
Here's our list.

Cory's Shearwater - 44
Audubon's Shearwater - 1
Royal Tern - 60
Sandwich Tern - 13
Common Tern - 80
Bridled Tern - 29
Sooty Tern - 17
Bridled/Sooty Tern sp. - 8
Black Tern - 147
Black-bellied Plover - 3
Ruddy Turnstone - 2
Peep sp. - 3
Barn Swallow - 3

Loggerhead Turtle - 2
Leatherback Turtle - 2

A second trip was going out on Sunday into GA waters. The results will 
probably be posted on GABO-L if you're curious.

Steve Wagner
Division of Biological and Physical Sciences
Lander University
Greenwood, SC 29649
Phone: (864) 388-8226, FAX (864) 388-8130

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