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upland sandpiper

Three-day weekends shouldn't be wasted doing everyday
things, so monday morning I drove down to Goldsboro to
check out the sewage ponds for birds I havent seen
this year (namely black tern and pectoral sandpiper).
I spent a leisurely hour scoping the ponds from the
road and got my target birds plus both yellowlegs,
stilt sandpiper, semipalmated plover, and lots of
least sandpipers (with a couple of semipalms thrown
I then decided I should go check the fields around the
prison and was rewarded with an upland sandpiper. I
found him along the main road about half a mile up
from the prison in a mud puddle next to a fence. He
just stood there and let me watch him. I consider this
payback for last year when uplands were reported from
that area and I went to look twice, never seeing them
(not to mention the vermillion flycatcher which I also
went to see twice and failed). 
By 11 am I was back in Durham and ran into Kent Fiala
on Shepard Trail and he said he had seen one flock
with some good warblers (worm eating, magnolia,
redstart) but I got exactly nothing. i guess I used up
my luck for the day.
Bruce Young
Durham, NC

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