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good birding in N. Durham Co

Janet and I were going to go down to Duke Forest today to the "hot birding 
spots".  I stepped onto the deck this morning and there was a Male Redstart 
at eye level, and about 15 ft away.  We changed our plans and birder in our 
yard and adjacent woods and fields (our yard).

Good decision!  38 species, 19 migrants, 8 warblers with multiples of 
most.  "Best" birds are Worm eating, Canada and Magnolia Warblers.  I won't 
list the "regulars"  but only the clear migrants and those whose numbers 
and flocking exceeds the typical.

Chimney Swift
Eastern Wood Peewee
Epidonax (?)
Red-eyed Vireo
Summer Tanager
Scarlet Tanager
         Black-Throated Blue
         Black and White
         Common Yellow Throat
Brown Thrasher
Indigo Bunting
Rose-Breasted Grosbeak
Eastern Bluebird ---20  Flock flying over plus the residents
Chipping Sparrow ----15

Not bad for a day lazing around the backyard

BTW: When I cited the Chestnut Sided Warbler last week as Yard Bird # 
139,  I should have said #141.  I had not included on my list the Nashville 
Warbler and the Fish Crow that I recorded earlier in the year.



Tom Krakauer
Bahama, Durham County, NC