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Congaree Bluff HP, Calhoun Co, SC on 26 Sep 2001

Hi C-Birders,

Well today I just couldn't take it, so I played hookie from work this
afternoon and ran out to Congaree Bluff Heritage Preserve for 2.5 hours.
During the CBC meeting a car got stuck on the entrance road (in a bit of
loose sand). I can report that I have negotiated this sandy spot 4 times
since then in my Honda minivan with no problem. If you want to visit the
preserve, and have a very low slung car what you can do is to pull off of
the main entrance road (Turkey Track Road) onto a side road when you first
get to the Heritage Preserve border (look for the white diamond Heritage
Preserve sign). This is about a half mile in from the paved road, past the
two very substantial deer stands on the adjacent hunt club property. From
here it's a half mile walk to the overlook, with good birding along the way.

I sat and did the hawk watch for 2.5 hours, counting as migrants a few Black
and Turkey Vultures, one Sharp-shinned Hawk, and one Cooper's Hawk. Caesar's
Head it ain't, but it's what we have here in central South Carolina.

I did record a couple of good birds. There was a very late Purple Martin
flying down the Congaree River (latest ever for Congaree Swamp National
Monument by almost a month). The other good bird flying down the river
turned out to be a first record for Congaree Swamp National Monument -- a
nice Eurasian Collared-Dove!

This sighting was especially ironic for me, since just a few days ago I sent
an email to CarolinaBirds, in my usual pontificating style, allowing that
the Eurasian Collared-Dove is common throughout South Carolina near human
habitations, but that I would not expect it in the heart of Congaree Swamp
National Monument. Well today I recorded it, on the edge of the park, to be
sure, but definitely flying over the park for at least part of its journey
down river. Two points here -- take my musings with a grain of salt, and
more importantly -- birds have wings and they do fly. That's why it's fun,
since you can never completely predict what you might find on a given day.

Here is my list for Congaree Bluff on 26 Sep 2001:

Black Vulture -- 30
Turkey Vulture -- 10
Sharp-shinned Hawk -- 1
Cooper's Hawk -- 1
Red-shouldered Hawk -- 2
Eurasian Collared-Dove -- 1
Chimney Swift -- 50
Red-headed Woodpecker -- 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker -- 3
Downy Woodpecker -- 2
Northern Flicker -- 7
Pileated Woodpecker -- 3
White-eyed Vireo -- 4
Red-eyed Vireo -- 2
Blue Jay -- 10
American Crow -- 20
Purple Martin -- 1
Carolina Chickadee -- 5
Tufted Titmouse -- 4
Carolina Wren -- 10
Wood Thrush -- 1
Brown Thrasher -- 2
Northern Parula -- 2
American Redstart -- 2
Northern Cardinal -- 5
Rose-breasted Grosbeak -- 1

Robin Carter
Columbia, SC