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HPSP 9/23/01, Super Sod

Hi all,

In my first weekend birding since probably May, I stopped by 
Huntington Beach on my way back from the CBC in Santee.  I 
didn't get the normal high count one expects at HBSP, but I did get 
a couple of nice birds, a WILSON'S WARBLER (in the Salt Marsh 
right after you turn left onto the Jetty) and several CLAPPER 
RAILS, which, while by no means rare at HBSP, were sitting up in 
the vegetation right by the salt marsh boardwalk, where I was able 
to sit and stare at them from 7-8 feet.  If I only owned a camera...

Shoreboards included Willet, Sanderling, Semipalmated Plover, 
Black-bellied Plover, Short-billed Dowitcher, both Yellowlegs, 
Ruddy Turnstone, Western Sandpiper, and Semipalmated SP (no 
Leasts seen at all, which I thought a little odd - am I wrong to think 

Also, I haven't seen any mention of this on the list yet, but several 
of us birding the Super Sod farms in Orangeburg on Saturday 
(9/22) morning had great looks at four American Golden-Plovers.  I 
believe Buff-breasteds were seen on Friday.

Good Birding,

Sandy Cash
Durham, NC