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Outer Banks

A good Warbler fallout coinciding with the Sat PM cold front:

Founder's Rdige-Duck, NC

Numerous Black-throated Blue Warblers-male & female
Numerous Am. Redstarts-all female
1 Yellow Bellied Sapsucker

Bodie Island--

Brown Creeper-3
Yellow Bellied Sapsucker-3
No. Flickers-10+
Black-Throated Blue's-20+
Black-Throated Greens-1
Am. Redstarts-Females-20+, Male-1
Brown Headed Nuthatch-1
Red Breasted Nuthatch-5
Golden Winged Warbler-1 male in full plumage near dumpster at Maint. area
Nashville Warbler-1 male near Golden-Winged on the "Other" side of the 
maint. area
Canada Warbler-1 tentative near the Golden-Winged, but I let him slide to 
further watch the GW.
Numerous Palm, Pine, Prairie Warblers, as well as Yellow butts... I 
actually had a Palm warbler on ground hop under my feet chasing 
bugs--didn't notice me at all.
Great Horned Owl-1-actually got him to call back to my attempt to imitate him!
Sharp-Shinned Hawk-1
Both Kinglet's were also in abundance
Ep. Flycatcher-1-probably a Least

We also had a Merlin in our backyard in Nags Head!

Good day overall--so many Warbler's never made it to Pea Island or to the 
beach to see shore birds.

Russ & Rose Lay
Nags Head, NC