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Weekend Birding

Hi Carolinabirders,
  I was in Graham, NC this weekend visiting family and did a little birding
on Sunday. It was drizzing and breezy when I drove up to Eno River State
Park Sunday morning. The birds were hunkered down for the most part. I
walked the service road at the end of Cole Mill Road, and part of a wooded
trail. As I was heading back to my car, two female wild turkeys crossed the
gravel service road. Those were the best birds of the morning for me. 
  At my mother's home in Graham, NC, I birded from her back porch on Sunday
evening and was delighted to see two Eastern Bluebirds preening themselves
while perched in a dead pine tree. I live in Decatur, GA, which has very
few bluebirds, so these were a real treat to see. My next trip to NC is in
December, so I hope to get back to Eno River again for a second look.

Good birding to all,
