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Fox Sparrow et al, Lewis Ocean Bay, 10-31

Hi y'all,
    While doing field work this p.m. in Lewis Ocean Bay (~8 mi. north of
Conway) I noticed a few interesting feathered critters. A cpl of Fox
Sparrows stood out. Seems kinda early for those guys here.
Here's a list:

Wild Turkey
Mourning Dove
Barred Owl
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Y-b Sapsucker - several
Downy Wp.
Pileated Wp. - heard
Blue Jay
Am. Crow
Car. Chickadee
T. Titmouse
W-b Nuthatch
B-h Nuthatch
Car. Wren
House Wren
G-c Kinglet
R-c Kinglet
Am. Robin
N. Mockingbird
Brown Thrasher
Y-r Warbler - observed a flock of ~50 getting water and foraging in a wet
Pine W.
C. Yellowthroat
E. Towhee
Bachman's Sparrow
Chipping Sp.
Fox Sp.
Song Sp.
White-throated Sp.
Dark-eyed Junco
N. Cardinal
C. Grackle
Am. Goldfinch - heard (Also a cpl at my feeders.)

Pretty good birds for not birding....


Gary Phillips
Conway, SC
 Zone 8
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing's going to get
better. It's not." (Dr. Seuss, "The Lorax")