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Re: where are the ducks in Chatham?

On Mon, 5 Nov 2001, Kate Finlayson wrote:
> Also a question for Triangle area duck lovers-where is
> the best and easiest place to see ducks in Feb. in
> Chatham or Orange Co? 

I've heard things about Cane Creek Reservior, but never been there. I 
think I've been to Lake Orange once, had a few waterfowl there. Neither 
has been written up yet for the Triangle Birder's Guide on-line...

I've probably had the best luck at the Poplar Point Wastewater Ponds:
The Jordan Lake area in general is good, although you have to start 
early: on nice days the boat traffic generally drives the birds out of 
sight by late morning, and on less nice days the wind and waves can make 
viewing more difficult. I usually start at Ebenezer Point as soon as they 
open, at 8 AM:
Poplar Point is right next door, and seems to have Eared Grebe sightings 
more often than Ebenezer:
Just opposite these two points is Vista Point:
The busiest place last winter seemed to be Seaforth, which had an 
Oldsquaw and a few Common Goldeneye:
And the Bald Eagle Observation Platform, if it hasn't been closed to 
combat the threat of naked men, is also worth visiting:

Happy ducking,


Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Biology (Zoology, R.I.P.)
