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RTHU recap in SC (woohoo! revisited)

Hi y'all,
    With the original bander's permission, I offer the following. The ad.
male Ruby-throat (Y89545) that I re-encountered on 11/03/01 in Murrells
Inlet, SC was banded by (guess who?) my Master bander of record, Susan
Campbell, on 02/20/01 at the same feeder in the same yard. Just so happened
that I was there, so this was truly a re-encounter.
    The bird was first observed by the homeowner in Nov., 2000 and promptly
dubbed Frosty. I identified it as an imm. male Archilocus sp. on Dec. 24, (a
hummer for Xmas, ya see) and he became Mr. Frosty.
    When originally banded, he weighed 3.00 gm., recap wgt. 4.23 gm. His
tail is longer, his wings and bill are shorter. 10% culmen grooving vs.
zero. Had 3 gorget feathers, now has all of 'em. Oh, he's a handsome little
devil, y'all.
    My ol' pal Mr. Frosty. The data-guy in me is pretty excited, while the
bird-guy in me is touched to know that this particular thimble-full of
feathers and heart survived his first year. I feel quite privileged to have
known him "then and now."
    And it would seem that he and I are of like mind on at least one topic:
Nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina.



Gary Phillips
Conway, SC
 Zone 8
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing's going to get
better. It's not." (Dr. Seuss, "The Lorax")