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Durham winter arrivals: Hooded Mergansers, etc.

Have been seeing a few new winter arrivals in Durham, North Carolina:
1-Northern Juncos  Friday 11/9/01 at Durham Tech's Northern Durham 
Center, near Treyburn. I may have seen some earlier in the year, but 
these were the first at that site, where there is usually a flock 
resident on the grounds all winter.

2-Four Hooded Mergansers were at Parkwood Lake, southern Durham 
County, on Sunday 11/11/01. This lake is usually big enough to 
attract a small flock of Ring-necked ducks and/or Ruddies, that often 
stay most of the winter. No sign of them yet, however.

3-A lone Red-breasted Nuthatch was again at my feeder in the Parkwood 
neighborhood, southern Durham County, on 11/11. This bird was first 
seen on 11/8.


Patrick Coin
Durham, NC