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Marsha asked about the current activities of the secretive woodcock in a
recent post.  While I cannot describe with any accuracy why they are doing
what they're doing, I can relate what's been going on in the back of the
house as well as provide some info from last year.
The woodcock are becoming more active around the house.  We can see one
most any evening now by hanging around the second growth area behind the
neighborhood.  The birds are flying in to the area where the flight
displays should commence shortly.  Last year we had the first peenting and
flight displays on 18 November.  I'll tromp back one evening this week to
see if they are gearing up for another season.  We had flight displays
consistently from mid-November through February last season.  The most
intense displays were in December, right around Christmas.  The number of
birds displaying fell off after the first of January, maybe they began to
migrate back north?

Anyway, although those in the northern tier have to wait until February or
so to get their woodcock watching in, those of us in the sunny south get a
much longer concert season.  Keep your eyes and ears peeler, it won't be
long now!

Steve Shultz
Cary, NC
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