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Surprising sapsucker

Despite hours of scanning, both by myself and with other birders, and
despite reports of earlier sightings, the Western Grebe at Falls Lake
eluded me again today (as did the White Pelican, which I wasn't really
looking hard for).  My most interesting sighting came as I was about to
leave:  two Robins, a pair of Cardinals, a Carolina Chickadee, and yes,
a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker foraging in a narrow strip of rip-rap that
was closely bordered by woods.  The rocks made it hard to see what they
were actually doing, and they didn't stay long, but they may have been
pursuing some small flying insects ("midges"? I'm no entomologist) that
were flying about near the surface of the water's edge.

Kent Fiala
near Chapel Hill, NC