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Backyard Woodcock in Columbia (follow-up)

We usually let our dog, Popeye, run around in our fenced backyard to release 
some energy (and other things).  But because of flushing what I took to be an 
American Woodcock in our backyard yesterday, I took Popeye (a Papillon 
weighing over 5 pounds) out back on a leash late this morning.  I also hoped
for a better look at the Woodcock.  I had turned on the sprinklers 
earlier in the morning hoping that might help.

A bird, apparently a Woodcock, flushed across the yard from us and landed 
over the fence at a spot along the driveway.  We slowly worked over for a 
closer look.  I finally spotted it--indeed, a Woodcock--walking along the
back of the house next door.  It eventually flew to the woodpile under the
trees on the other side of their yard.  Such beautiful coloring on that bird!
Thanks to Ginger and Kate for their nice notes!

Jerry Griggs    j@sc.edu
Columbia, SC