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Re: More on Saturday Fort Fisher tides

I agree with your earlier assessment that the ocean beach high tide will be around 7:15 A.M.  

I don't think there will be any problem with owl access except at the point between x-over 1 and x-over 2 where the strand has been eroding east of the rope fence.  One might have to wait an hour or so to get safely past this point.  Brave souls (foolhardy souls ?) might sneak by.  

Further south there is another erosion area, but you can x-over to the sound side to avoid it.  

On Fri, 30 November 2001, "John Fussell" wrote:

> I decided to check the tides on the Internet.  Went
> to www.noaa.gov and found that the ocean beach
> peak high tide for the Fort Fisher area on Saturday will be
> pretty much right at 7am.  Used the "Wilmington Beach"
> site--this is Carolina Beach-Kure Beach.  If I were 
> planning to drive out Saturday, I would probably get
> there about 8am but be prepared to wait.
> Getting there at 8am could get you past the lower area
> at the beginning of the ORV trail, which could possibly
> get some flooding from the Cape Fear side.  If this
> were to happen, it might be more in the 9am-10am range.
> Perhaps someone from the Wilmington area could offer
> input as to how likely it is that the beginning of the trail
> might flood.
> I fondly remember the 1999 Christmas Bird Count
> (I think it was 1999) when virtually the whole barrier
> spit
> was submerged.  Made for some great birding!
> John Fussell
> Morehead City, NC
> jfuss@clis.com

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