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WW Crossbills - yes (finally)

Yesterday (12/18), I decided to take a vacation day and head to Grandfather
Mtn to look for the White-winged Crossbills.  I arrived a bit later than I
would have liked (9:45), and had to leave by 3:30pm in order to get back to
Charlotte for other plans.  The top half of the road was closed due to
extremely high winds.  At 11:30, I was surprised by my wife and two girls
who drove up to join me in the search and to have lunch.  Activity had been
nil due to the wind.  My family had to leave at 2:00, and I decided to stay
for as long as possible since I was there.  The wind died down considerably
after noon, so I allowed a bit of optimism to creep in.  At 3:10, however,
still with no luck, I decided to make my last walk around the parking lot
and head out.  It wasn't a minute later when the flock made its appearance.
They flew in over the Nature Museum and landed in the top of the spruces
right next to the building.  The lighting couldn't have been better and
allowed me excellent, though very brief, looks.  The birds stayed only 20
seconds or so, flew to some more spruces behind the upper parking lot for
another 20 seconds or so, and continued on their way.  The males are a
spectacular red-pink, with large white wing bars- just like their pictures
in the field guides.  The flock was quite vocal and should be easy to
locate if they're around.  It looks like a good crop year up there, so I
wouldn't be surprised if they stick around awhile.

Good birding all.

Rob Van Epps
Charlotte, NC