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banks birds

Hi all,

I just go back from the banks, etc. (Saturday & Sunday 22-23 Dec). Saw
Ash-throated both days - both around noon. Also saw Western Kingbirds
(probably two birds but singly) on both days. Did not see Rough-legs but did
not go past the flycatcher on Long Curve Rd.

HOWEVER, on Saturday at Cape Point, I did have a rather odd gull - I have no
idea of what it was other than the below:

Description:  Full adult bird - size of a Herring Gull or larger with yellow
eyes, pink legs and a mantle easily as dark as Lesser Black-backed Gull
(which is what I thought it was on first scan). Yellow eyes and mantle color
(in combination) eliminates both forms of Western Gull. I looked for the
"string of pearls" pattern on the upper wings but did not see anything which
struck me that way so I lean away from Slaty-backed for now. The head
streaking was very light but for the moment, I'm no quite sure what, if
anything, that means. I have no firm way of ruling out Vega Gull other than
probability. Ultimately, I settled on Great Black-backed X Herring Hybrid as
the default ID but I have some possible concerns about this. Most notably,
in previous birds fitting this description, there were a few more
indications of GBBG genes (e.g., dusky yellow eyes, etc.). This bird LOOKED
like a big Herring Gull in every way except for mantle color (which was so
dark that "typical" Herring Gull is absolutely not under consideration).

It really needs to be looked for and studied better. Unfortunately, as I was
moving around to get closer, the birds spooked and it flew away toward the
big pond.=20

BTW - of the 3-4 Lessers I did see, one had a coal black mantle (i.e., not
the graelsii form).

Mike Tove