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Calliope, woodcock, winter birds

Tracy and I drove to Winston this morning and viewed the Calliope
Hummingbird with about 8 other observers.  The bird took his time in
arriving, we waited 30-40 minutes, but stayed in sight once he made his
presence known.  The bird spent the majority of the time in the top of the
maple at the end of the driveway hawking insects.  Thanks to his "owner"
for making the bird accessible to visitors.

"Our" woodcock finally (!) began flight displays.  At dawn this morning I
saw displays and several birds shuttling back and forth.  One of the
displaying birds landing just a few feet away and allowed me to watch him
stamp around in circles while making the buzzy "peent" sounds.  I guess 6
weeks later than last year is certainly better than none at all!

Around the house we continue to enjoy a Fox Sparrow and Red-breasted
Nuthatch at the feeders.

Have a great weekend!
Steve Shultz
Apex, NC