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Ash-throated Flycatcher & Rough-legged Hawks


We tried Saturday evening before sunset to find both Ash-throated 
Flycatcher & Rough-legged Hawks with no luck on either. The large numbers 
of Northern Harriers and close looks at 6 Bob White made the trip well 
worth it anyway. And the sunset was fantastic with a flock of Tundra Swans 
flying in. We saw one swan crash not 100 foot from us and after about a 
minute it got up and started walking towards the flock on the ground about 
1/3 mile from us. Tonight when we left the site there was one lone swan at 
the roost site from days before, we wondered if that was the one we saw crash.

Stopped back to look for the Ash-throated Flycatcher & Rough-legged Hawks 
tonight at 3:30pm and stayed till dark no luck this time either. There was 
a note from someone today that had seen the flycatcher at 2:15 pm today we 
missed by just over an hour. I did get a brief glance at a bird with a 
yellow breast that could have been the flycatcher, but not good enough for 
my bird list. Also saw a very dark hawk just before sunset that might have 
been a rough-legged, again not a good enough look.

We stayed on Albermarle Sound all weekend and was graced with the pleasant 
company of 3000+ Tundra Swans seen and heard from the back yard. Spent most 
of the weekend with good friends that were not birders so I didn`t get much 
birding in. We did add to the yard list at the house there Bald Eagle, 
Black Vulture and American Wigeon.

Randy L Emmitt
Nature Photographer focusing on butterflies, dragonflies and wildflowers.