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question re: winter feeding times

In the interest of keeping an eye on the neighbor's
cat and in giving our cats a valid reason as to why I
can't let them out, I have the following question:

Is there a general feeding pattern for birds in the
winter? In observing the birds we have managed to
attract to our new home in Rutherford Co. NC
(southeast of Asheville), I see the most activity
between noon and 3pm, the warmest part of the day.
There is consistent morning feeding, but the big rush
seems to be about 2pm. Then almost no feeding at the
feeders after about 4pm as the birds seem to retreat
to higher elevations in the trees.

I am also wondering why we have very few cardinals
coming to our feeders. We moved here in mid-November
and put out feeders (black sunflower seeds, thistle
and suet) shortly thereafter. Three of the feeding
areas have brush piles around them. We had zero
cardinals until one showed up yesterday. We live in a
rural area, mostly wooded. Any thoughts/advice?

Otherwise things are starting to pick up since the
snow storm. Had about 20 purple finches today. Juncos
and goldfinches are the regulars. Lucky to have two
pileated woodpeckers in the neighborhood. Also have a
pair of gregarious wb nuthatches and a yb sapsucker.

Jerry Stensland

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