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Re: Santee NWR CBC Sets A New Record

Great job, Lex on the Santee Count. I hope to get
up there soon.

This year I did all 5 of the SC Coastal Counts.
Cathy Jaggars joined me for 4, a darned good number for a first timer.

Some highlights:

Birding in a heavy snowfall at Huntington Beach
State Park, trying to find ducks in the Sandpiper
Pond (found a Pintail!). Bald Eagles on every count except Savannah, watched
an Eagle
steal a fish from an Osprey at Tibwin (McClellanville). Swans, White
Pelicans, Avocets
at Bear Island (ACE Count), White-crowned Sparrows, Stilt Sandpipers, Cattle
Egrets, a
Redhead at the Spoil Site (Savannah count).
A Red-tailed Hawk smashing into a Kestrel,
stealing his prey at Bear Island.

Good company, great birds, and the most beautiful land in the world. let's
all dedicate ourselves to preserving these treasures this year!

Steve Compton

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lex Glover" <bglvr@CLEMSON.EDU>
To: <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2002 11:44 AM
Subject: Santee NWR CBC Sets A New Record


The Santee National Wildlife Refuge Christmas Bird Count, in SC, set a
new record this year. 136 species were tallied on 29 December 2001. (I
expect to add at least one more species, as one group has not submitted
their list.) The old record was set in 1997 with 133 species tallied. This
year the 34 participants did an outstanding job covering the 12 areas
within the count circle.

Highlights included:
American Bittern
Wood Stork
White-fronted Goose
Ross's Goose
Peregrine Falcon
Sandhill Crane
Lesser Yellowlegs
Spotted Sandpiper
dowitcher species
Barn Owl
Fish Crow
Red-breasted Nuthatch
ammodramus sparrow species

Thanks to everyone who helped make this count so successful.

Good Birding,     Lex

Lex Glover
Santee NWR CBC, Compiler
Lugoff, SC