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Hi Carolinabirders,
	Here are the highlights of the Litchfield-Pawleys Island CBC held on Jan. 2.
This was by far the worst weather ever encountered on the count. It was
cold all day by (SC standards)and by 11AM moderate snow began which briefly
changed to sleet and then a cold penetrating rain the rest of the day.  The
saving part of the weather was winds which for the most part were light to
moderate.  Nonetheless by 1 PM it was difficult to get any "dickey birds"
in the snow and rain.
	Thus it was remarkable that 152 species and 26,339 individual birds were
tallied by our 49 observers in 17-18 parties (a count record) Three new
species were found on the count which brings the cumulative total for L-PI
to 223.  The new birds were Rufous Hummingbird (3) brought in by Gary
Phillips and David Fuller on the "hummingbird run"; Gary banded one bird on
count day and the other two he had banded in December and they obligingly
stayed around, also new was the Pomarine Jaeger described by Perry Nugent
and magnificentlly sketch by Allan Russell, and the Nelson's Sharp-tailed
Sparrow (4) seen by two parties. Other notable documented birds were the
Long-tailed Duck in Murrells Inlet behind Drunken Jack Island, a Parisitic
Jaeger, another great find by Perry, Allen and Sandra Conradi, and a
Lincoln's Sparrow seen by Robin Carter near the sparrow fields in
	Our misses (species seen on more than half of the previous counts) were
noteable: Canvasback, a count week bird, Redhead, Black Scoter, (in fact no
scoter were ID'd to species)Ruddy Duck, Lesser Yellowlegs, Red Knot, and
White-eyed Vireo, Two other count week birds were Wood Stork and Green Heron.
	Kudos go to all the observers for toughing it out in the miserable weather
but especialy to Capt Jay Bultz who attempted to get us to the ocean edge
of the circle in his study craft "Pepper". We (Jay,Paul Rogers and yours
truly)were turned back by wave heights of 5-7 feet once we ventured beyond
the jetties.  Think the "Perfect Storm". A special thank you to my
co-compiler, Tonya Spires for handling matters west of the Waccamaw.
Waccamaw Audubon supported this count with publicity and by picking up
ancillary expenses, my thanks to them.  
	In conclusion
"It was not a fit day out for man nor beast"
			W.C. Fields in "The Fatal Glass of Beer"

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC