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Report of an oversummering Olive-sided Flycatcher in the North Carolina mountains

Yesterday at a meeting of the N.C. Coastal Land Trust Board,
I sat next to Mike Morgan, who used to be the director (I believe)
of the Lake Logan Episcopal Center in southern Haywood County.

Mike told me that he observed 1 (maybe more) Olive-sided Flycatcher
at the Center from about mid-May to mid-August in 2000 and 2001.

He described the bird well, including the white tufts.  He said the
bird perched in dead branches that were too high to be pruned.

He said that the area that the bird frequented was adjacent to the
manager's residence.

Some of you mountain birders may want to check out this
area later this year.

John Fussell
Morehead City, NC

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