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Evergreen Nature Preserve (Charlotte)

Louise and I birded Evergreen Nature Preserve and environs this morning and
had some real Audubon moments:

A flock! of Blue-headed Vireos (at least 8) at the opening behind
Winterfield School.

A dead and partially consumed Coopers Hawk in the opening beneath the willow
tree (killed by a Great Horned Owl??).

A very tame Ovenbird in the dense forest south of the opening, where we also
saw our first Hermit thrush.

A pair! of Swainson's Thrushes near the opening.

Our first Brown Creeper of the season in the pines near the basketball

And finally, to top off a great morning, a very colorful Red-shouldered hawk
sitting in the front yard of the house fronting on Central Avenue at
Progress, apparently eating insects or worms.


Larry Barden, Larry@LBarden.com,
1501-G Lansdale Drive, Charlotte, NC, 28205, 704-535-6385