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Falls Lake


I am sorry I didn't put my shorebirds count from Ellerbe mud flats
really not much, water is very, very low and it was in the mid of the
day so many birds were just sleeping. Looking from the air there are
many potential good places just between HWY85 and Lake Ridge Airport,
have to walk a bit (some half a mile) from the boat rump to the left
Here you are numbers:

Killdeer - 12
Lesser Yellowlegs - 32
Pectoral Sandpiper - 1 ad 14 juv.
Least Sand. - 9 ad  8 juv.

In addition Am. Kestrel, 5 Swamp Sparrows, 1 Meadowlark and 1 Bobolink
I am going to check Little Lick Creek (Olive Grove Rd.) mud flats and
vicinity of Lake Ridge Airport. I will start at 7:20 at the and of Olive
Grove Rd.


Michal Skakuj  Ph.D.
4600 University Drive apt. 1312
Durham, NC 27707
phone:        919 402 9961
mobile phone: 919 599 3040