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Kingston Lake, Conway, SC

Barbara and I took advantage of having election day off to put the canoe in
Kingston Lake at the little park at the end of Park Avenue in Conway.  We
went as far as the railroad trestle that crosses the lake near the Conway
Station and came back.

Notable were very large numbers of kinglets of both species, extremely
numerous YS Flickers, about 5 Red-shouldered Hawks, and "some" wood ducks,
along with the regulars.  We finally found a Brown Creeper (our target
bird) and a Blue-headed Vireo (our seasonal first), and we also had a
probable Winter Wren.

We got extended looks at a pair of Yellow-billed Cuckoos deep in the swamp,
lethargic, but seemingly in good shape.

Good birding to you,

Stephen Thomas
Aynor, SC