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HBSP on 11-6

Hi Carolinabirders,
Today, I met Dave Gustafson at Huntington Beach S.P., Murrells Inlet,
Georgetown County, SC for a morning and early afternoon of birding.  It
was a dreary overcast day with some strong north winds along the beach.
After looks into Mullet Pond we birded the north end including the north
end of Sandpiper Pond.  We, of course, birded the jetty and jetty pond.
Common Loon-1
Pied-billed Grebe-15
N. Gannet-numerous
Brown Pelican-numerous
Great Cormorant-2
Double-crested Cormorant-numerous
Great Blue Heron-4
Great Egret-18
Snowy Egret-4
Little Blue Heron-1 immature
Reddish Egret-1
White Ibis-5
Wood Stork-4
Green-winged Teal-12
Am. Wigeon-20
Ring-necked Duck-6
Lesser Scaup-40
Scoter sp-9 flyby off the ocean
Red-breasted Merganser-70
Ruddy Duck-2
N. Harrier-1
Am. Kestrel-1
Clapper Rail-6 heard only
Common Moorhen-5
Am. Coot-8
Black-bellied Plover-8
Semipalmated Plover-45
Piping Plover-1
Ruddy Turnstone-15
Western Sandpiper-38
Short-billed Dowitcher-38
Laughing Gull-20
Ring-billed Gull-15
Herring Gull-10
Great Black-backed Gull-4
Caspian Tern-5
Royal Tern-30
Sandwich Tern-2
Forster's Tern-1
Black Skimmer-1
Mourning Dove-numerous
Belted Kingfisher-2
N. Flicker-1
E. Phoebe-2
Tree Swallow-numerous
Carolina Wren-2
N. Mockingbird-1
Palm Warbler-1
Yellow-rumped Warbler-numerous
N. Cardinal-1
E. Towhee-2
Savannah Sparrow-8
Seaside Sparrow-1
Red-winged Blackbird-numerous overhead
Boat-tailed Grackle-some
House Finch-2

Good birding, good company

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC