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Henderson County Update

        At about 4:00 PM this date, I had an adult, GREATER-WHITE-FRONTED
GOOSE of the Greenland race on the small pond in front of the water
treatment plant.  I immediately called Ron Selvey and he concurred.  The
bill was pinky/orange, the legs were orange,  the entire head and chest was
brown, and when the goose came out of the water, the black barring on it's
belly was unmistakable.  The bird also showed a nice white flank line. To my
knowledge, this is a Henderson County first!
        Also reported by Pat & Pete Peterson and John Lindfors were a flock
of up to 22 Snow Geese on Hooper Lane this morning.
        Since this weekend, things are shaping up very nice in Henderson
County, what else might we expect?  Several reports I have read from other
states north and west of us are very encouraging.  Many Scoters are being
seen and good numbers of Snow Buntings are starting to appear.  Let's hope
they continue to head south!
Best regards,
Wayne K. Forsythe
Hendersonville, N. C. 28791