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Winter song

I went for a walk this morning to watch the sunrise and listen to the birds
wake up.  Opening the door I was greeted with an amazing song from the dark,
one I didn't recognize.  It sounded like the song of a finch, repeating and
going on and on like so many finches seem to.  I made my way toward the
trees where the songs were coming from and was able to make out the tiniest
silhouette of the singing bird perched about 15 feet up.  I couldn't make
out many characteristics of the bird and figured it was either a Kinglet,
Junco, or Winter Wren from it's size, or maybe a Warbler I didn't know.  As
soon as light peeked over the horizon the songs stopped and the little guy

This is where I have to give thanks to technology.  I went home and put in
the Stokes bird call CD set to check out the 3 main suspects.  Found out it
was the Winter Wren.  I had no idea they sang such beautiful songs, I'm only
used to hearing their constant low muttering when following them on the
ground through thickets.

A wonderful way to start the day.

Craig Armstrong / Chapel Hill