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Re: (Fwd) suet cakes

Will and all,
I make my own suet (beef fat, oatmeal, cornmeal, etc) sometimes. (With a very
busy schedule, it's pretty far down on the priority list.) More often, I use
commercial suet cakes and buy them at Family Home & Garden in Apex (they also
have 2 other stores in the Triangle). If you buy a case of 12 cakes (high energy
"flavor"), they are 79 cents a piece!!! A bargain in any birder's book. No, I
don't own stock in FH&G, but just wanted to pass on some good news.
Carol Williamson
Durham, NC

Will Cook wrote:

> ------- Forwarded message follows -------
> From: "Jean Bohs" <wjbohs@intrex.net>
> Subject: suet cakes
> Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 15:41:45 -0500
> If you are interested, I use the following recipe for suet cakes.
> They hold up quite well through the summer and winter although we must use
> the squirrel proof cages.  I got the recipe from a birding magazine some
> years ago.  We used beef suet in St. Louis, but as your correspondents said,
> it is difficult to find here and does not hold up well.
> Peanut Butter Suet
> 1 cup crunchy peanut butter
> 1 cup LARD  (not vegetable shortening)
> 1/3 cup sugar
> 1 cup flour
> 2 cups cornmeal
> 2 cups quick cook oats
> Melt lard and PB, stir in rest of ingredients.  I pour it into four oblong
> tofu containers - they are just the right size for the usual suet feeders.
> Cool and store in freezer.
> I have good luck with titmice, chickadees, downies, some warblers, and now,
> kinglets, etc.  In the summer the bluebirds can get to it as well as red
> bellied woodpeckers.
> Thanks for all of the interesting information provided by the Carolina
> Birders.
> Jean Bohs
> Durham
> ------- End of forwarded message -------
> --
> Charles W. "Will" Cook                  w 919-660-7423
> http://www.duke.edu/~cwcook            cwcook@duke.edu
> Biology Dept., Duke Univ., Box 90340, Durham, NC 27708