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Florence County birding

Hi Carolinabirders,
Today from 8:15 a.m to 4:15 pm Ritch Lilly and I did some county birding
in Florence County SC. I tallied six additional birds for that county
and I know Ritch did much better than that.
Areas covered included the campus of Francis Marion University, the
lakes near the intersection of I95 & I20, Timmonsville (perimeter of the
gated sewage pond) various farm fields along secondary road 45 and of
course Lynches River County Park.
All told 49 species on a windy cold but mostly sunny day.

Double-crested Cormorant-20
Great Blue Heron-2
Great Egret-4
Canada Goose-70
Ring-necked Duck-1
Lesser Scaup-10
Ruddy Duck-2
Turkey Vulture-12
N. Harrier-1
Red-tailed Hawk-3
Am. Kestrel-3
Rock Dove-3
Mourning Dove-1
Belted Kingfisher-2
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker-1
Downy Woodpecker-1
N. Flicker-1
E. Phoebe-1
Blue Jay-3
Am. Crow-10
Carolina Chickadee-2
Tufted Titmouse-3
Brown-headed Nuthatch-1 heard only
Winter Wren-1
Golden-crowned Kinglet-5
Ruby-crowned Kinglet-many
E. Bluebird-15
Hermit Thrush-1 heard only
Am. Robin-1
N. Mockingbird-5
Loggerhead Shrike-5
E. Starling-abundant *
Blue-headed Vireo-2
Yellow-rumped Warbler-many
Pine Warbler-4
Palm Warbler-1
N. Cardinal-5
Chipping Sparrow-some
Fox Sparrow-1 Ritch saw this one and I just plain missed it. DRAT-second
time that's happened at Lynches River C.P.
Song Sparrow-2
White-throated Sparrow-some
Dark-eyed Junco-5
Red-winged Blackbird-super abundant *
Common Grackle-super abundant *
Brown-headed Cowbird-abundant *
House Finch-7
* = we came across a huge flock of about 5,000 "blackbirds" feeding in a
field close to the road.  Scanned the flock carfully for y-h blackbird,
rusties, and brewer's but no dice. Actually couldn't get through the
whoe flock before they tood off in a "swoosh".  Estimated 50% grackles,
30% red-wings, 15% starlings and 5% cowbirds.  Being a notorious
undercounter the flock could have been closer to 10,000.

Good birding, good company.

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC

Song Sparrow-2