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Pond on Sunday

well, I got spoiled this weekend and made it to the pond twice.  Sunday I
packed up my scope and after a relaxing ride, took the scope via car to the
pond.  The first bird dying to be observed was a Phoebe as I unloaded.  No
kinglet seen this trip and I don't have Crosby to blame but did see another
sharpie in the same locale as on Sat.  The pond was loaded with ring necked
ducks probably 200 or more, 3 pr Am widgeon, 2-3 pair of Green wing teal, a
Great Blue Heron (seen both days but forgot to mention in last post),3-4 pr
of ruddies, NO mute Swan, may it stay away forever. pie-billed grebes,
red-tailed hawk, 11 killdeer bathing, 2 pr mallards, and surprisingly only
one coot.  Usually it and the ring necks are the most numerous.  Then the
4wheeler came through, nice guy but the whole pond lifted up, what a
spectacular sight and sound of air through their wings and what a sight to
see them all land.  After I thought most had settled, I heard a noise like
the wind through dry oak leaves or a distant hot air balloon and I was
looking for the balloon when another hundred ring necked ducks came into
land.  What a site, almost as awesome as the bats from the Texas cave. 
They just kept coming and I just enjoyed Mother Nature at her best.  Forgot
the kingfisher.
In the woodsy part of the pond, towhees, cardinal, field sp and song and I
swear a French Carolina Wren; sounded like Bistro Bistro over and over
again.  Also had 2 red shouldered hawks on my ride.
then the 4 wheeler came by again and that was the end of my day.   Found no
further evidence for the kill I mentioned.  I looked for head or feet which
I would think less desirable but nothing, no tracks either.  Will look up
track at the bookstore to see what mink look like as Josh mentioned this as
a predator although I don't know if they are there.  I know raccoons are. 
The only mammal in the pond that I have sen is a muskrat.  Big turtle
though.  Well, I got to rambling sorry for the length.  the pond is in NE
Orange co.  barb brooks

--- Barbara Brooks
--- brooksba@mindspring.com
   Hillsborough, NC
--- EarthLink: The #1 provider of the Real Internet.