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Rufous Hummer Recaptured!!!

Allen Chartier <amazilia1@comcast.net> posted to HumBand on 11/30/02:

Yesterday, in Columbus, Ohio, I captured an adult female Rufous
Hummingbird that was already banded.  The band number was Y14779.
If this is your bird, I'd really like to hear from you!  I will also
telephone this in to the BBL on Monday.


ALLEN, et al. . . .

Some of you are aware I had arthroscopic knee surgery on Tuesday, so
I haven't been moving around much this week. In fact, it's fortunate
I was sitting down when the posting above filtered into my InBox.

You see, Y14779 is mine! :-)

Y14779 was the FIRST winter vagrant ever sighted at Hilton Pond
Center for Piedmont Natural History near York SC. I banded her as a
HY-F almost exactly a year ago on 11/20/01 and described the event in
detail under "This Week at Hilton Pond"  for the week of 15-21
November 2001 at http://www.hiltonpond.org/ThisWeek011115.html . Now
she's really famous!

Thanks, Allen, for your work and for reporting this encounter. Hope
you got some photos so we can compare her "baby" pictures to the way
she looks now.  :-)

What a great Thanksgiving present!

Happy Hummingbird Watching,


BILL HILTON JR., Executive Director
Hilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History
1432 DeVinney Road, York, South Carolina 29745 USA
hilton@hiltonpond.org, (803) 684-5852, eFax: (503) 218-0845

The mission of Hilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History is "to conserve plants, animals, and other natural components of the Piedmont Region of the eastern United States through observation, scientific study, and education for students of all ages." Please visit our web sites (courtesy of Comporium.net) at http://www.hiltonpond.org and
http://www.rubythroat.org .

"Never trust a person too lazy to get up for sunrise or too busy to
watch the sunset."					BHjr.