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HBSP on 12-1

Hi C-birders,
Today, I went to Huntington Beach S.P. hoping to find a Cave Swallow
because of the reports about 40 miles up the beach in Brunswick County,
NC.  No luck but a good day nonetheless.  50 species on a sunny day with
moderate northwest wind

Common Loon-11
Horned Grebe-1
N. Gannet-some 1/4 mile to mile off the beach.
Brown Pelican-many in Mullet Pond and along the beach
Double-crested Cormorant-Mullet Pond and in the inlet
Great Blue Heron-25+ in Mullet Pond
Great Egret-10+
Green-winged Teal-3
Lesser Scaup-1 at least in Mullet Pond-bins were not strong enough to
pick up anything else.  Had to return my new scope for replacement due
to a chip in the glass.
Long-tailed Duck-1 immature in Mullet Pond
Hooded Merganser-25 in Mullet Pond
Red-breasted Merganser-40 in the ocean
Ruddy Duck-11 in Mullet Pond
Turkey Vulture-3
Bald Eagle-4 one adult, 2 almost adult some extensive white patches in
underwing and a "muddy tail", one first year immature
N. Harrier-1 male
Red-tailed Hawk-1
Am. Kestrel-1
Clapper Rail-1 heard only
Common Moorhen-3 north end of Sandpiper Pond
Am. Coot-6 north end of Sandpiper Pond
Black-bellied Plover-3 causeway marsh and jetty Pond
Semipalmated Plover-8 causeway marsh
Piping Plover-2 along the beach in the jetty area
Greater Yellowlegs-4 causeway marsh
Willet-11 causeway marsh
Ruddy Turnstone-4 on the jetty
Sanderling-4 on the north beach
Western Sandpiper-1 causeway marsh
Dunlin-12 causeway marsh
Short-billed Dowitcher-3
Laughing Gull-2
Bonaparte's Gull-3
Ring-billed Gull-many
Herring Gull-at least 5 all immatures
Great Black-backed Gull-4 adults and 1 first winter bird
Royal Tern-4
Forster's Tern-6
Belted Kingfisher-2
Tree Swallow-about 15 over the carriage path & causeway
Blue Jay-3
Carolina Chickadee-1 heard only
Marsh Wren-1 scolded me at the north end of Sandpiper Pond
Ruby-crowned Kinglet-2 one took exception to my spishing at the north
end of Sandpiper Pond and scolded me non-stop for about three minutes
finally got to see it and of course the above referenced Marsh Wren
decided to chime in.
Am. Robin-2
Yellow-rumped Warbler-many
Rufous-sided Towhee-2 one a female
Savannah Sparrow-12
Song Sparrow-1 heard only
White-throated Sparrow-1
Red-winged Blackbird-4 all males
Boat-tailed Grackle-about the causeway
PURPLE FINCH-2 first of the winter and a real rarity away from feeders
for the last five years.  These two were females hanging on some grass
in the dunes at the north beach area. New bird for my personal park list

A beautiful winter day and enjoyable solo birding.

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC