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Bird Count fees

A note to anyone participating in a Christmas count this year. Audubon wants compilers to submit just one check to cover participant fees ($5.00 per person over age 18). Therefore, folks should probably pay their compilers in cash or with a check made out to the compiler rather than to National Audubon Society.

I'm posting this to the list for general interest, but also in hopes of reaching folks who will be doing the Jordan Lake NC count. On the forms we sent out, I had asked people to make checks to NAS. Instead, they should be made out to Norman Budnitz.

(People who are doing other counts may send their checks to me, too! Now, let's see. Where would I like to go to get my next few lifers?)


Norman Budnitz, nbudnitz@duke.edu
919-684-3592 (day), 919-383-0553 (eve), 919-660-7293 (fax)

(work) Biology Dept, Duke Univ, Box 90338, Durham NC 27708
(home) 4115 Garrett Drive, Durham NC 27705

PROGRESS: the victory of laughter over dogma.
(Tom Robbins, Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas)