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Re: Unusually Batty?

On Tue, 24 Dec 2002 Burnetted@aol.com wrote:
> With three reports of bats on bird counts in December from different
> locations, I'm wondering if we are unusually batty this year, or if seeing
> bats in December is relatively common. We have bird groups and butterfly
> groups; are there any folks out there who pay attention to bats in the
> Carolinas?

Hi again,

>From the avalanche of messages both on and off the lists, I think this may
be a normal occurrence that we just don't notice or talk about a whole
lot. Pat Coin responded that he has seen Red Bats flying during the day a
few times before, and Don Hendershot confirmed that even out near the
mountains they'll fly on warm days in the winter. Bill Sugg noted that the
Virginia listserv also had a recent series of posts on red bat sightings.
The sightings near the coast, where the climate is milder, surprises me
less, but I didn't expect so many here in the Piedmont or further west,
especially after the ice storm!

Oh, and one sighting I left off my report from Sunday: a butterfly! A
Question Mark (or maybe Comma) flapped by my car at some point during the
afternoon while I was car-birding.

Good birding (batting, lepping, herping, etc.),


Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Biology (Zoology, R.I.P.)
