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180th Yard bird

Dear C'Birders:

After poking along getting yardbirds only occasionally the last few years,
it seemed like I'd never get to 180 . . .

After years of all my neighbors having exotic hummers, I was really excited
to look out at my feeder this AM and see an adult male Rufous Hummingbird .
. . And then I waited, and waited, and waited, but he never showed up again.

I do have sometimes one, and part of the winter, 2, immature hummers that I
am quite sure are Ruby-throateds - one has some red feathers at the lower
part of the throat, forming a chain of sorts.  I have been away most of Dec.
and half of Nov., so it was a real treat to see I still had hummers each
time I came home.

So a big welcome goes out to the gorgeous Rufous who first flashed his
gorget at me and then gave me a great profile.  I hope he is still around.
I really want to thank him for coming.

Good Birding, and may every rarity you chase be found!

Mary, ask-me-about- the- New Zealand- Penguins,- Parrots,- Wrybill,-
Rifleman,- Wandering Albatross- McDavit, Sunset Lakes, NC, near Sunset