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New Hope Audubon Program 1-9-03

Date: Thursday, January 9, 2003 - note date change
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Place: Totten Center, NC Botanical Gardens, Chapel Hill
Speaker: Kate Eschelbach
Topic: Reintroducing Aplomado Falcons in Texas

Kate will show slides and discuss her experiences with Aplomado
Falcons in southern Texas.  Aplomado Falcons are somewhat rare
throughout most of their range in Mexico and now very rare in Texas
and New Mexico; although they were more common prior to population
increases (and an increase in citrus tree groves) in the lower Rio
Grande Valley.  She will talk about raising the babies, later
releasing them, and monitoring them to ensure they survived.

Come at 7pm for conversation and refreshments.  New Hope Audubon
Society business is conducted from 7:30 to 8pm and the speakers will
begin at 8pm.  If you have any questions, please contact Tom Driscoll
at 932-7966.  SEE YOU THERE!

Tom Driscoll

Submitted by:
Marsha Stephens
Chatham County, NC