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Swallows, cranes, etc.

There was a single Cave Swallow on the causeway at Huntington Beach State
Park this morning just before 0900.  It was considerate enough to perch on a
guard rail about 150' from the observation platform until spooked by an
auto.  No other swallows were present at the time.

The two Mute Swans were still there.

The (a) Long-tailed Duck was still present in Murrells Inlet about noon.
Also a single female Black Scoter and a single female Surf Scoter.

Didn't find any waterfowl in large numbers (over 100), but still a good
representation--the swans, the scoters, Hooded Merganser, Coot, Moorhen,
Pied-billed Grebe, and the ducks--Ruddy, L. Scaup, Bufflehead, Redhead, Am.
Widgeon, Gadwall, Ring-necked, Long-tailed and a Shoveler.  No geese.

As for cranes, there were 17 Sandhills at Santee NWR on 1-10-03.

Lloyd Moon
Sumter S. C.