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Lincoln's Sparrow at Congaree Swamp NM

Hi C-Birders,

Today I had a little time before I had to be at an appointment and managed
to spend about 30 minutes birding at Congaree Swamp National Monument in the
early afternoon. I spent the entire time in the field adjacent to the after
hours parking lot. This is perhaps the only significant bit of early
successional habitat in the park. There is even a small cattail marsh.

I found sparrows, which are usually tough to get in the park, including the
second park record for Lincoln's Sparrow.

Here is my list (after hours parking area only):

Turkey Vulture -- 1
Downy Woodpecker -- 1
Eastern Phoebe -- 1
American Crow -- 2
Carolina Chickadee -- 2
Tufted Titmouse -- 1
Carolina Wren -- 2
Eastern Bluebird -- 1
Chipping Sparrow -- 20
Field Sparrow -- 4
Fox Sparrow -- 1
Song Sparrow -- 15
Lincoln's Sparrow -- 1 (seen perched for two minutes at 20 yards)
Swamp Sparrow -- 30
White-throated Sparrow -- 1
Dark-eyed Junco -- 30
Northern Cardinal -- 1
Red-winged Blackbird -- 30

Robin Carter
Columbia, SC